6 Tips To Handle Stress Through The Holidays
Nov 17, 2018The holidays are approaching fast and that means shopping, family gatherings, and office parties. The hustle and the bustle of the holidays can often lead to stress. Just thinking about the many things we must do to prepare for this special time of year can cause an overwhelming feeling. Holiday stress can also lead to irritability, emotional eating and anxiety. Below are some tips to stay stress-free and healthy during the holidays.
- Have a schedule
Stay organized with a to-do list or calendar that allows you to list your tasks for the day. This frees your mind from having to remember every detail and allows you to check off tasks as they are completed.
- Prioritize
When developing your to-do list, prioritize the things that are the most important to you and successfully complete those events first. It’s better to do less and be more efficient with less stress than to do more with a great deal of stress and inefficiency.
- Get plenty of sleep
Lack of sleep can lead to poor concentration, weight gain, depression, and high blood pressure. Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Stop using electronic devices at least 1-2 hours prior to your bedtime. Keep a consistent bedtime to promote better sleep. Try creating a bedtime ritual like taking a warm bath, listening to ocean waves or journaling.
- Meditate
Meditation is easy and can be done in as little as 5 minutes to be effective. Meditation decreases stress and lowers blood pressure. It also allows you to move the clutter in your brain and help you focus.
- Exercise
Walking is a good stress reliever and can help keep your weight in check during the holidays. Schedule time to take a walk and reap the benefits. Just 15-20 minutes can reduce your stress level.
- Let it go
It’s impossible to do everything and make everyone happy. So, decide which issues are worth your efforts and let go of those things that do not serve you during this time. The holidays should be a time for creating memories with family and friend without feeling like you must make everything perfect.
Happy Holidays to You and Yours
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